QConvergeConsole Windows Agent Installers Readme File This software license applies only to Marvell customers. Marvell Semiconductor Inc. All rights reserved. Table of Contents 1. Package Contents 2. Requirements 2.1 Hardware Requirements 2.2 Software Requirements 3. OS Support 4. Supported Features 5. Using the QConvergeConsole Windows Agent installers 5.1 Installing QConvergeConsole Windows Agent 5.2 Starting the QConvergeConsole Windows Agent 5.3 Removing the QConvergeConsole Windows Agent 6. Additional Notes 7. Known Issues and Workarounds 8. Contacting Support 1. Package Contents The QConvergeConsole Windows Agent package contains the following files: 1.1 QConvergeConsole Windows Agent for FC/FCoE QLRemote_x64-\\setup.exe QLRemote_x64-\\setup.iss QLRemote_x64-\\uninstall.iss QLRemote_x86-\\setup.exe QLRemote_x86-\\setup.iss QLRemote_x86-\\uninstall.iss 1.2 QConvergeConsole Windows Agent for iSCSI iQLRemote_x64-\setup.exe iQLRemote_x64-\setup.iss iQLRemote_x64-\uninstall.iss iQLRemote_x86-\setup.exe iQLRemote_x86-\setup.iss iQLRemote_x86-\uninstall.iss 1.3 QConvergeConsole Windows Agent for NIC NetQLRemote_x64-\setup.exe NetQLRemote_x64-\setup.iss NetQLRemote_x64-\uninstall.iss NetQLRemote_x86-\setup.exe NetQLRemote_x86-\setup.iss NetQLRemote_x86-\uninstall.iss 1.4 QConvergeConsole Windows Agent for FastLinq QLNXRemote_x64-\\setup.exe QLNXRemote_x64-\\setup.iss QLNXRemote_x64-\\uninstall.iss QLNXRemote_x86-\\setup.exe QLNXRemote_x86-\\setup.iss QLNXRemote_x86-\\uninstall.iss 2. Requirements This section defines the minimum requirements. 2.1 Hardware Requirements * Minimum of 40MB of disk space (NIC/FC) 2.2 Software Requirements Windows Installer version 3.1 or higher 3. OS Support The QConvergeConsole Windows Agent Installer runs on the following OS platforms: Windows x86/x64(Installshield installer) 4. Supported features The QConvergeConsole Windows Agent supports QConvergeConsole application with Tomcat server running on Windows platform. 5. Using The QConvergeConsole Windows Agent Installer The QConvergeConsole Windows Agent Installer installs QConvergeConsole Windows Agent on Windows platform. 5.1 Installing QConvergeConsole Windows Agent QLNXRemote Installation Instructions: * To run the QLNXRemote Install Wizard for Windows x64 or Windows x86, in Windows Explorer, double-click the following file: QLNXRemote_xxx-\setup.exe * To install QLNXRemote in silent mode: QLNXRemote_xxx-\setup.exe -s -f1"\setup.iss" NetQLRemote Installation Instructions: * To run the NetQLRemote Install Wizard for Windows,in Windows Explorer, double-click the following file: NetQLRemote_xxx-\setup.exe * To install NetQLRemote in silent mode: NetQLRemote_xxx-\setup.exe -s -f1"\setup.iss" QLRemote Installation Instructions: * To run the QLRemote Install Wizard for Windows, in Windows Explorer, double-click the following file: QLRemote_xxx-\setup.exe * To install QLRemote in silent mode: QLRemote_xxx-\setup.exe -s -f1"\setup.iss" iQLRemote Installation Instructions: * To run the iQLRemote Install Wizard for Windows, in Windows Explorer, double-click the following file: iQLRemote_xxx-\setup.exe * To install iQLRemote in silent mode: iQLRemote_xxx-\setup.exe -s -f1"\setup.iss" 5.2 Starting QConvergeConsole Windows Agent After installing a QConvergeConsole agent, the agent is running as Windows service. For Windows x64 and Windows x86, the agent can be started/stopped via Windows Service dialog. 5.3 Removing QConvergeConsole Windows Agent QLNXRemote Uninstallation Instructions: * To uninstall QLNXRemote agent on Windows x64 or Windows x86: Open Control Panel and select item "Programs and Features" then select "SANsurfer FastLinq HBA Management Agent" and click on "Uninstall/Change" to remove the Agent. * Run the following command on command line to uninstall QLNXRemote in silent mode: QLNXRemote_xxx-\setup.exe -s -f1"\uninstall.iss" iQLRemote Uninstallation Instructions: * To uninstall iQLRemote: Open Control Panel and select item "Programs and Features" then select "SANsurfer iSCSI HBA Management Agent" and click on "Uninstall/Change" to remove the Agent. * Run the following command on command line to uninstall this package in silent mode: iQLRemote_xxx-\setup.exe -s -f1"\uninstall.iss" QLRemote Uninstallation Instructions: * To uninstall QLRemote: Open Control Panel and select item "Programs and Features" then select "SANsurfer FC HBA Management Agent" and click on "Uninstall/Change" to remove the Agent. * Run the following command on command line to uninstall this package in silent mode: QLRemote_xxx-\setup.exe -s -f1"\uninstall.iss" NetQLRemote Uninstallation Instructions: * To uninstall NetQLRemote: Open Control Panel and select item "Programs and Features" then select "QLogic NIC HBA Management Agentt" and click on "Uninstall/Change" to remove the Agent. * Run the following command on command line to uninstall this package in silent mode: NetQLRemote_xxx-\setup.exe -s -f1"\uninstall.iss" 6. Additional Notes 6.1. Removing agents must be done in reverse order of agents installation. For example, if agents were installed in the following order: NIC FC/FCoE iSCSI the order of uninstalling agents must be: iSCSI FC/FCoE NIC 6.2. The version number of QLRemote installer is not the same version number of the QLRemote agent. For example, version number of QLRemote agent is 1.00.1283.85 where as version number of QLRemote installer is 1.125.1283.85. 7. Known Issues and Workarounds 7.1 Smart Screen Filter feature on Windows platform Whenever you execute a file that you have downloaded from the Internet, it is first checked by SmartScreen Filter against a database. Files that cannot be identified are blocked automatically, and a warning is displayed instead. The only two options on the screen are the highlighted OK button, and a more info link that is nearly as distinguishable from the background. A click on OK closes the message and blocks the executable from being started. If you want to start the program, you need to click on More Info. You can disable SmartScreen Filter in the Windows Control Panel. Use Windows-Pause to bring it up, and click on Control Panel in the address bar afterwards. Select System and Security and then Action Center afterwards. Select Change SmartScreen Settings on the left. This opens a menu where you can turn Windows SmartScreen off. 8. Contacting Support Please feel free to contact your Marvell approved reseller or Marvell Technical Support at any phase of integration for assistance. Marvell Technical Support can be reached by the following methods: Web: http://support.cavium.com North America Contact Information Email: support@qlogic.com Phone: (952) 932-4040 Support contact information for other regions of the world is available at the QLogic website: http://support.qlogic.com (c) Copyright 2018. All rights reserved worldwide. QLogic, the QLogic logo, and the Powered by Cavium logo are registered trademarks of Marvell Semiconductor Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.