** TO VIEW THIS FILE CORRECTLY IN NOTEPAD, ENABLE "WORD WRAP" FROM THE FORMAT MENU ** How to install the 3Dlabs custom driver for 3DS MAX R4. ======================================================= To install the 3DS MAX R4 custom driver for the Wildcat VP, copy the driver to the applications root folder e.g. c:\3dsmax4. When you next run 3dsmax go to the Customize/Preferences/Viewports/ChooseDriver demu, select the custom option and select wc3sdma.drv as the custom driver. You will then need to restart 3DS MAX to for the custom driver to be used. If you would like to use the Wildcat custom driver for 3ds max 4, then copy the wc3dsmax.drv file to the 3ds max 4 root folder on your hard drive, e.g. c:\3dsmax4. When you run 3ds max 4 go the Customize/Preferences/Viewports/ChooseDriver menu, select the Custom option and select wc3dsmax.drv as the custom driver. If you restart max 4 then it should use the Wildcat custom driver