---------------------------------------------------- 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. Custom 3D Studio Max® Driver for Windows 2000 and Windows XP Professional ---------------------------------------------------- ------------- Legal Notices ------------- Copyright 2005 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. This software and its associated documentation contains proprietary, confidential and trade secret information of 3Dlabs Ltd. And except as provided by written agreement with 3Dlabs Ltd. a) no part may be disclosed, distributed, reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, adapted or translated in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, and b) the recipient is not entitled to discover through reverse engineering or reverse compiling or other such techniques or processes the trade secrets contained therein or in the documentation. US Government Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. 3D Studio Max® is a product of Autodesk/Discreet. Windows 2000 and Windows XP are products of Microsoft. -------------------- End of Legal Notices -------------------- Driver Discription: The 3Dlabs 3DSMax Custom Driver is an interface for the Wildcat Realizm driver and 3DSMax applications. The 3DSMax driver provides improved performance and compatibility with 3DSMax applications and the hardware acceleration of the Wildcat Realizm video card through the use of OpenGL. ----------------- Installation Help ----------------- MSI Single file installation: To install the application driver package, simply double-click on the ".msi" file. The MSI package will copy the application drivers to your system and run a custom setup program to allow you to install the drivers for your application. A shortcut to the custom setup program and readme.txt file will be placed in the start programs menu under "3Dlabs/Application Drivers". You can use these to install the driver at any time and view this reademe file, for the specific application driver package. To un-install the driver package from your computer, use the Windows add/remove programs utility in the control panel. You must un-install any currently installed application driver packages, before installing a new one. File Locations: The application drivers and setup program will be stored in a folder on your system: "Program Files\3Dlabs\Application Drivers". Un-installing the package will remove these files from your system. Loading the driver in 3DSMax: Consult your 3DSMax documentation for configuring the application to use a custom driver. Notes: If setup is not able to find 3DSMax in the system registry, it will not install the driver and will exit. The driver setup program will only install for an application that has been registered in your operating system's registry. There are several valid reasons for this instance. A Beta version that does not have a normal product registry entry or multiple versions installed on the system, for example. You can simply copy the apropriate driver file to the application directory. The version of the driver can be determined by right-clicking on the driver file and viewing the file properties. ---------------- Customer Support ---------------- For support or technical assistance, you can contact 3Dlabs by phone: Americas: 1-800-464-3348 Europe: English: +353 1 433 3206 French: +353 1 433 3226 German: +353 1 438 0006 Italian: +353 1 433 3216 Spanish: +353 1 438 0026 or email via the web: http://www.3dlabs.com/support/contact/email.asp