Workaround: What this option does is override the specified timings from the panel and drives the panel out of specification. We can do something similar with our specific monitor settings. I've attached a modified monitor timing file with a special entry for the 2001 FP digital connection. To use it, install the 4.03-0199 driver from our Web site, replace the current monitor timing file (3dl2mon.inf) with the new one from the attached zip filr . You can find it in \Winnt\inf for Windows2000 or \Windows\inf for WindowsXP. You can then go into Displays/Device Settings/Display Selection section of the 3Dlabs control panel. Select "Specific Type" as the Display Type. Scroll through the list of monitors and select "2001FP Reduced Blanking" from the "Dell Computer Corp." list. After a reboot, the 1600x1200 resolution with reduced blanking should be available.